Community Groups & Triads
Community Groups
At The Gathering Church are the first step in getting your feet “on the ground” in community life at The Gathering Church. Community Groups give us a context along with the opportunity for regular “life on life” discipleship in each other’s lives. These smaller groups of 10-20 people meet on a regular basis in various member’s homes. Community Groups offer a safe place beyond the regular Sunday gathering where we can grow in transparency, grow in relationship with one another, while studying the Bible and praying for each other. At the same time, Community Groups provide time together to develop a strategy to be a witness to our local communities.
Triads are just one more step deeper in keeping our feet on the ground with community life at The Gathering Church. Discipleship at TGC is not a highly structured system. Discipleship groups (Triads) are smaller groups of at least three men or women, who meet regularly to disciple, nurture and be accountable to one another. These usually grow out of community groups as casual relationships grow into friendships. These triads become more intimate and safe times together and provide the opportunity for deeper transparency and accountability, to apply Scriptures, confess sin, and pray for one another. They are not drop in experiences or revolving doors. Triads over time build the trust and safety that is necessary to grow into deeper friendships and discipleship.
Anyone can start a triad! Just grab a friend or two and starting meeting together for prayer and reading, or if you need help in joining a triad email us at
Frequently Asked Questions
+ How do I find out what day of the week each group meets?
In the section below is each group description, you’ll see listed the day of the week that each group typically gathers as a whole group, although as groups grow in doing life together, they increasingly gather on other days and in other ways.
+ What if I can’t find a group that meets near me?
This is great question. We are always starting new community groups. Every Fall we re-launch our community groups and they usually run from September to June the following year. We try to take the summers off to focus on more community outreach as that is the time Portlanders come out.
At some point, you may want to prayerfully consider starting a community group, as there are probably other members of TGC near you in a similar predicament. If you are open to that idea, take the first step by letting us know by emailing Then a member of the pastoral team will get in touch with you and set up a time to get together.
+ What about kids?
Kids are important to us at The Gathering Church. So we, as much as possible, include our kids in our groups. This takes a lot of creativity and each group approaches this differently. Once you contact a group leader, feel free to discuss how they integrate their kids at their community group.
Find a Community Group
Below you can find descriptions of each of our groups . If you would like to visit one of these groups or would simply like more information about them, send us an e-mail and we’ll be happy to help put you in touch with the leaders, as well as answer any other questions you might have.
Lents | At the Church Building
Leaders: Todd and LeeAnn Bennett
Dates: We meet on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays, after church. With a shared meal together.
Bio: Todd and LeeAnn have been married for over 30 years. They have two adult daughters. One girl was adopted out of foster care. The other is Todd’s niece. Todd and LeeAnn have been attending TGC since 2015. They both love the unity of the church body and the Word of God.
Description: We share a meal together, pray, then get into a lesson.
NE Portland
Leaders: Matt and Amber Zrust
Dates: 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00PM
Bio: We are Matt and Amber Zrust, and we've lived in the same zip code (97220) for the past 22 years. We helped plant The Gathering Church over 14 years ago, and have been involved here ever since. We love reading, physical activities of all sorts, digging into Holy Scripture and prayer together, and feasting.
Description: We spend our group time sharing a meal, fellowshipping, reading a chapter of Scripture together, and praying. Our heart is to "do life together" by being mutually encouraged and sharpened in our faith. Some of our group are from the Happy Valley/Clackamas area, but we welcome any who would like to attend.
Happy Valley
Leaders: Dan and Kristen Taylor
Dates: Every Tuesday, 6:00pm
Bio: We married in 2016 and have three wonderful children. We love raising our kids, camping, reading good books, talking theology, playing music, and casually competitive board games.
Description: We gather for a meal at 6:00pm and alternate weeks of worship, praying, and hangout/gamenight.
Leaders: Alan and Gini Winslow
Dates: Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, 6pm
Bio: Alan and Gini raised eight children and have 24 grandchildren. They love family events, camping, theology, kids and hospitality.
Description: Alan and Gini host dinner at 6pm and then at 7pm they start their current study.
Oregon City
Leaders: Nate and Amanda Winslow
Contact: or text 503-459-8573
Dates: Every Tuesday at 6pm
Bio: Coming soon!
Description: Coming soon!
Leaders: Gabe and Mandy Winslow
Dates: 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at 6pm
Bio: Gabe and Mandy have been members at The Gathering Church since 2012 and are passionate about seeing discipleship and body life lived out in community with one another throughout the week.
Description: Our community group meeting involves sharing a meal together, fellowship, and times of sharing, encouragement, and prayer. Come check it out.